I Help Small Business Owners Master Monday.com Faster. For free.
In my "other life", I am a Monday.com Consultant and Coach and authorised Monday Partner.
In this life, I help Small Business Owners just like you to master Monday.com faster. And for free.
No catch, no sales pitch, no spam, no email marketing. Just awesome Monday Micro Courses (free), How To videos (also free) and other helpful content and resources (still free).
Did I mention it's all free?

Monday Micro Courses
Struggling to master one aspect/feature of Monday.com? Let us know what you're struggling with and if we don't have a Course or video covering it yet I'll create one for you.
How To Video Guides
Our Video Guides are an awesome way to learn anything. Each Video Guide comes with a text summary and clickable chapter headings so you can skip right to what you need to know.
MondayWiki Community
Our Community is where it all happens. It is where I share my most valuable resources and content. Check it out/sign up here or at the bottom of this page.
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